Bond Issues
2024 Bond Election

Renderings of proposed elementary school (left), middle school (center), and Santa Fe Freshman Academy (right).
Proposition #1: $144,000,000
Phase 1 Construction of a new Elementary School
Phase 1 Construction of a new Middle School
The Elementary & Middle Schools will be built on land the district owns at the Southeast corner of Air Depot & Covell
Construction of a new Freshman Academy at Edmond Santa Fe High School
Classroom addition at Boulevard Academy
Classroom addition at Scissortail Elementary
Media Center addition at John Ross Elementary
Renovations and improvements at several sites including Sunset Elementary, John Ross Elementary, Orvis Risner Elementary, Charles Haskell Elementary and Clegern Elementary
Construction of a safe room at the Edmond Early Childhood Center
Construction or acquisition of a facility for the Edmond Transition Academy for special education
Purchase of new technology equipment
HVAC, roofing, flooring, lighting and playground improvements district-wide
School security enhancements and upgrades
School equipment including for instructions needs, fine arts, athletics, child nutrition, maintenance and library/media center books
Classroom furniture
Turf for baseball and softball fields at the three EPS high schools
Improvements to the Mitch Park Aquatic Center as part of the district’s agreement with the YMCA
Proposition #2: $3,000,000
Purchase of new school buses
Purchase of new activity buses
Purchase of new sport utility vehicles
Tax Implications
If approved by the voters, this bond is not planned to raise tax rates for any homeowner in the district.

New elementary school

New middle school

Santa Fe Freshman Academy

Sunset Early Childhood Center Shelter Addition

John Ross Elementary School Media Center Addition
Please note renderings may not reflect final project designs.