Originally Posted: May 2, 2023
The Parent P-EBT Review Form is available through May 7, 2023, if you need assistance with P-EBT for the school year 2021-2022. P-EBT is a federal retroactive pandemic and SNAP reimbursement program administered through the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS).
2022 school year, schoolchildren must meet three important eligibility requirements:
- Children must have been enrolled in a school district that participates in a federal meal program where meals are served at a school.
- The student’s school was closed or operating at reduced hours or reduced attendance due to COVID for at least five consecutive days in the 2021-2022 school year.
- Children must have qualified for free or reduced-price meals based on income and have turned in the free or reduced-priced meals application to their school for 2021-2022, or be enrolled in a school that participated in the Community Eligible Provision, Provision 2 or Provision 3 federal program in 2021-2022.
If you believe your child meets the above eligibility criteria and you did not receive your 2021-2022 school year card by April 28, 2023, or your 2022 Summer P-EBT benefits by April 28, 2023, please fill out the review form on the OSDE website by May 7, 2023. Please submit a separate form for each student.
Your school will have an opportunity to review your information. Only your child’s school can verify eligibility for P-EBT benefits. Any new benefits for the 2021-2022 school year or Summer 2022 stemming from corrections will be disbursed by DHS in Summer 2023.
If you have lost your child’s P-EBT card, you may request a new card at (888) 328-6551 or connectEBT.com. For P-EBT questions, please contact DHS directly at 405-522-505